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The best insight of Wikipedia on your cell phone. Promotion free and free, until the end of time. With the authority Wikipedia application, you can look and find 40+ million articles in 300+ dialects, any place you are.

== How could you like this application ==

1. It's free and open.

Wikipedia is a reference book that anybody can alter. Articles on Wikipedia are unreservedly authorized and the application code is 100 percent open source. The substance of Wikipedia is a gathering attempting to give you limitless admittance to free, solid and impartial data.

2. No promotions.

Wikipedia is a spot to learn, not a spot to promote. This application was made by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-benefit association that backings and runs Wikipedia. We offer this assistance chasing open information which is in every case promotion free and never tracks your information.

3. Peruse in your own language

Track down 40 million articles in more than 300 dialects ​​in the world's biggest wellspring of data. Set your favored dialects ​​in the application and effectively switch between them while perusing or perusing.

4. Use it disconnected.

Save your cherished articles and read Wikipedia disconnected with "My Lists". Make a rundown of names you like and submit articles in various dialects. Saved articles and perusing records are synchronized across the entirety of your gadgets and are accessible in any event, when you don't have web network.

5. Scrupulousness and night mode

The application embraces the effortlessness of Wikipedia and adds to the good times. An excellent and bother free point of interaction allows you to zero in on the fundamentals: understanding articles. With text size changes and subjects in unadulterated dark, profound, sepia or light, you can pick the most agreeable perusing experience for yourself.

== Extend your viewpoints with these elements

1. Modify your Explore feed

"Investigate" allows you to see recommended Wikipedia content, including recent developments, famous articles, beguiling uninhibitedly authorized photographs, occasions of the day ever, proposed articles in view of your understanding history, and the sky is the limit from there.

2. Search and find.

Right away track down the thing you're searching for in articles or in the hunt bar at the highest point of the application. You can even hunt utilizing your beloved emoticons or voice search.

== We would cherish your input

1. To send criticism from the application:

In the menu, press "Settings", then, at that point "About the Wikipedia application", then, at that point "Send application criticism"

2. On the off chance that you have insight of Java and Android SDK, we anticipate your collaboration! More data:

3. By utilizing this application, you consent to the programmed conveyance of drop in on reports to any outsider specialist organization. To incapacitate this component, press "Settings", then, at that point, switch off "Send Crash Reports" under the Privacy area.

4. Clarify the consents the application requires:

5. Protection Policy:

6. Drop in on Report Third Party Service Provider Privacy Policy:

7. Terms of utilization:

8. Concerning the Wikimedia Foundation:

The Wikimedia Foundation is a magnanimous non-benefit association that backings and runs Wikipedia and other wiki projects. It is essentially supported through gifts.

Wikipedia Wikipedia Reviewed by Global Insights-MNA on February 10, 2022 Rating: 5

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